My name is Birgit. I am a mother of 2 children and now I am about to step out into the world as a midwife myself. Angelika was my midwife for both my children and I had Inge for the birth of my second child. Both, Angelika and Inge, have demonstrated excellent skills and midwifery knowledge and truly work with women. They give individualised care as specified by the woman’s needs and have a great rapport with women. I always felt well cared for, listened to and well supported. Angelika and Inge have supported me to have the births I wanted to, which were truly wonderful, positive and empowering. They inspired me so much that I decided to become a midwife myself so I could give women the same positive birthing experience that I had. In my third year of studies I was fortunate to work with Angelika and Inge. Not only was I now able to witness the good care they gave to women as well as theirhigh competence in clinical skills from the perspective of a midwifery student but once again they both supported me and mentored me in becoming a good midwife. I am very grateful to these two wonderful midwives!
After months of off-and-on “processing” something just clicked tonight. I had careful planning, I had dreams to have home births… and VBAC’s, but I then had two unplanned (but also partly expected) c-sections instead. What clicked for me tonight was that my best intentions were there, and our bodies are amazing things but thank god for YOU, and hospitals, and doctors for knowing when to change the plan. You are an amazing midwife who supported and respected us but also guided us to have these children safely. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing your knowledge to the births of L and A so that they can be here, in all their perfectness, healthy and happy little people.
Our big girl just started Kindy and goes two mornings a week :-). She is happy and being a typical (very-almost) 3 year old! Our little boy is growing like a mushroom at almost 5 months. Still exclusively breastfeeding and hasn’t started solids just yet – he was 7kg at 11weeks and hasn’t been weighed since but I’m fairly sure he is doing just fine. My kids melt my heart.
Me tino pēhea ngā kupu kawe o te manawa? How on earth do you articulate what the heart feels? E te rau huia, e te manu atawhai, e Angelika – na taku tutakitanga tuatahi ki a koe i rongo au i tō wairua mahana, i tō ngākau mahaki ki te tangata, i tō manawanui mai mō tēnei mahi te whāngai pēpi. Nā kōnā au i whakae ka noho koe hei whaea whāngai mōku me taku pēpi. I roto i ngā marama e iwa o taku hapūtanga ko koe tēnā i manaaki i ahau, i whakamanuhiri i a māua ko tōku whānau, i āta kōrero ki ahau mō aku wawata mō taku whāingai pēpi, i tiaki i ahau i ngā wā tūtakitaki, i whakamarama i ngā āhuatanga o te ao māmā, ngā uaratanga, ngā painga, ngā manako nui o pēpi me era momo tuāhuatanga katoa kia tino mārama au ki te ao hou. Ka mutu, nāu i whakamana ai i taku hapūtanga – kei te mihi! Nā te mea ko tēnei taku pēpi tuatahi, nāu tēnei haerenga i ārahi i runga i te tika, i te pono me te aroha. Aku wawata katoa mo te whāngai pēpi ki rō wai, te noho ki te whare o Waioha me te hauora pai o pēpi i tutuki, nāu. Whakahīhī katoa māua ko taku whānau i a koe! I te wā ka pakeke ake taku tama, ka whakamōhio atu au ki a ia ki tana whaea whāngai ritenga kore! Nō mātou te waimarie i noho koe hei whaea whāngai mo tātou.
Angelika, my whānau and I will forever be grateful to you for guiding me during my first pregnancy. You looked after me with such care and respect and always created a warm and safe space for me to freely express myself. You were gentle and respectful in maintaining the sacredness of birthing my first child and how personal this journey was and still is for my whānau and I. You ensured that my ‘mana’ dignity was intact at all times and made me feel secure and comfortable during this journey. The birthing of my son in the waters of Waioha was an absolute dream. The atmosphere was very personal, calm, warm, happy, humorous (because we don’t like boring haha) filled with lots of aroha and I thank you for that! I know for a fact that no other midwife could have taken better care of us than you did. I feel so privileged to have had you as my midwife and I will make sure to tell my son about you when he is older and how lucky his māmā was to have had the most phenomenal German midwife in the world. There is simply no other like you Angelika – you are one of a kind! We will forever be grateful to you for guiding and welcoming our precious ‘taonga’ gift into this world.